If you can't find the answer to your questions below, send us a message from the Contact section


Do I have to register to place an order?

How can I know if my order was successful?

Can I change my order?

Can I add an item to an existing order?

Can I place orders by phone?

How can I find the right size for me?

Shipping and Payments

Is it possible to have the invoice addressed to my company?

Is it safe to use credit card on the site?

How much does shipping cost?

How can I track the shipment of my order?

When will I receive my order?

Can I have my order delivered to an address other than my home address?

Why is my credit card payment failing?

What payments are allowed?

Returns and Refunds

Can I exchange an item?

How do returns work?

How do refunds work?

What should I do if I receive the wrong item?